Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our Paradise

So we have arrived back in Quito after our site visit. Let me first start off by saying that Jima (our site placement) is the most beautiful little pueblo in the world! We both absolutely love it. It will be quite an adjustment because not a soul speaks English and there is nothing much there. There is one T.V. in the entire village, no internet, and no mail. We are probably going to get a P.O. box in Cuenca, the closest largest city. When we first got to Jima we were shown around the village by the principal of the primary school. She kept introducing me and telling people that I was teaching at the primary school. Of course I corrected her and told her I was teaching at the high school but she continued to tell people I was at the primary school. She told me to come to the school the next morning and she would get me all set up. Well I show up at the primary school the next morning and she throws me in front of a class of fourth graders and tells me to teach for two hours. I was flustered and couldn't communicate because I don't speak the f**** language that I wasn't prepared to teach. It was just easier to teach. So I guess I am at the primary school (what the hell is going on?) Now I know why two year olds throw tantrums. It is really frustrating when you can't communicate. I have succumbed to the fact that I just have to go with the flow. This year will be a lot of head, shoulders knees and toes, knees and toes. I do feel truly lucky because the kids are soooo cute and very well behaved. They are in awe at the tall white girl. So fun!
Now that we are back in Quito I have to teach in the morning and then classes until eight at night. I leave the house at six and don't get home until nine. I am so exhausted. I love my classes though. It is so fun teaching people who want to learn. Every student in my class is so motivated to learn English. It is so much easier than high school history. I love it!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Thanks for updated the blog, I love hearing about your adventures, it sounds truly amazing. Life in Seattle is good, we are all dying to see you at Marissa and Ali's wedding.