Sunday, October 5, 2008

One week in Jima

So Casey and I arrived in Cuenca yesterday to stay Saturday night and today in Cuenca. It feels so weird to leave our village which seems like ages away from the rest of the world. One week without the internet felt like an eternity. We both feel like we have been in Jima for much longer than one week because already everything seems strange.
This past week has been amazing and frustrating at the same time. I started teaching which was fun but a whirlwind. In the States kids get so excited and talk so fast when they feel something so you can probably imagine that craziness in another language. ¨So and so took my pencil, he hit my arm, she cut in line, I have to go to the bathroom!!¨ They are typical kids and I can´t understand a word they are saying. At this point I can get my point across in the worst grammar possible (oh and all in present tense!!) but trying to understand responses is impossible because they use so much slang. Ecuadorians put ïto/a¨at the end of everything. My name is Larita and Casey is Casito. Just as I feel I am getting a grasp of the language I go to school and try to talk to people and realize how little I know. I will be starting at the high school next week which should be more my element. I am really looking forward to teaching at the high school.
Casey had a great week at the clinic as well. He gave vaccinations and TB medication and it looks like volunteering at the clinic is going to be a great experience for him. He is really getting a lot of responsibility but he is reluctant until he learns the language better. Both of us have been trying to study as much as possible.

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